Click this link to go to Bookings
Using the Lawn Booking System
The Booking System provides all the lawn bookings for Matches, Tournaments, Mix In sessions and other events and booking lawns for play and practice. Bookings can only be made for a rolling two-weeks in advance.
If you already know how to use the System, click the link above, otherwise please read the following first.
First Time Login
Use the above link to find the login page. Ignore the two boxes and click on ‘Lost your password’. Enter your email address and the system will send an email telling you how to set a new password. You can then login.
Use the “Go To” to take you to the Booking Page and proceed as for Normal login below.
Normal Login
Login by clicking the link above. You can get to the Booking page by clicking “Go To”
Booking or Registering for a Mix-In Session
Simply click on the Session that you wish to Register for and add your name by clicking the ‘Register’ button. This can also be cancelled at any time by revisiting the Session. To give an opportunity to someone wanting to play, it is requested that you cancel if you are no longer able to attend.
Detailed help can be downloaded by clicking here.